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Calmer: Anxiety Lessons for Kids











This FIVE week program incorporates strategies and techniques from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Yoga, Meditation, Art Therapy, Mindfulness, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to provide children with practical methods to 1) identify and 2) manage their own anxiety WHILE HAVING FUN! 

Your child will be able to answer these questions at the end of the course:

-What is anxiety and how do I know when I am anxious?

-What does anxiety look, feel and sound like?

-What can I do to manage anxiety when it happens?

-How can I prevent anxiety?


Each child will be provided with a small 'homework task' each week to implement at home in order to help cement the learnings from the course, in real life! Parents/guardians will be provided with this task in order to support your child in its completion.

The course is suitable for children aged 8-12.
















How do I know if this course is suitable for my child?

-Does your child avoid certain things like going to a friends' house, meeting new people, being dropped off to school?

-Does your child experience emotions they don't know how to manage? (anxiety often appears as anger or sadness)

-Does your child experience panic attacks?

-Does your child have difficulty trying new things for fear of failure?

-Does your child worry about school or things that are happening in the world around them?

-Does your child experience an upset stomach, sore head or tense body? (anxiety often presents physiologically)

-Does your child have trouble falling or staying asleep?


The cost of the 5 week course is $150 per child. With a current GP Mental Health Care Plan, sessions are only $9 per child.  


Calmer: Anxiety Lessions for Kids


Brisbane, commencing July 19th for 5 weeks (July 19, July 26, Aug 2, Aug 9 and Aug 16) 4.30pm-5.30pm @ dhamma and co - 35 Suncroft St, Mount Gravatt

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